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Business, First Class, a frequent flyer status and top hotels for up to 70% less
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How our Premium Memberships will help you
  • Save time: Every day we search through more than 100 websites to find the best exclusive travel deals and insider strategies for you.
  • Save money: Business and First Class flights, a frequent flyer status and top hotels with VIP treatment for up to 70% less
  • Personal advice: Access to our team of travel experts, hackers and our comprehensive network built over the last 15 years
  • Insider Archive: Download our ever growing number of insider publications
  • Many other benefits: exclusive status levels, professional tools etc.
Select one of three premium memberships
Our entry level
For beginners eager to understand the potential of miles, bonus programs and travel cost optimization.
Price EUR 59 per year
Optimising travel costs
Get access to the best flight and hotel deals, exclusive insider publications, status levels as well as personal advisory.
Price EUR 199 per year
Simply the best
Top hotel status with double upgrades, detailed personal advisory and travel planning and access to the best deals incl. DIAMOND only deals
Price EUR 999 per year
How it works
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In your personal premium login area you can:
  • Download the most recent insider publications
    • Every month our Insider News publication (starting with GOLD)
    • Insider Bulletins with insider strategies for a frequent flyer status (starting with PLATINUM)
  • Apply for included status levels and tools (starting with PLATINUM)
For personal advisory contact us using our contact form
Alexander Koenig
(Founder of First Class & More)
Contact us and our expert team will usually get back to you within 48 hours.